Friday 20 May 2016

W3 T2 Reflections


This a picture of banqer as you can see here I am the second biggest saver in the whole hub.
I only started off with ten dollars and I have earned all this money by doing things like kidslit and westamath.
Banqer is made for schools so the teacher pays you then you get fines if you don't do the right thing. I would also like to use my money to buy a house just so you know it's a fake house.

For writing this week we wrote about our least favorite character. My least favorite character is Tempelton
he is the rat that lives under Wilbers food trough and eats anything he can get his hands on.


This week for math we learnt about decimals here is a link to a video that show us about place value.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your Anzac art and your barn but you can improve it by colouring it in more by Alexander


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