Thursday, 1 December 2016

W8 literacy Reflection

This week I chose to write why I should be on Santa's naughty list. We had to write five paragraphs why I should be on the naughty list.

Here are five reasons why I should be on Santa's naughty list.  

The first reason why I should be on the naughty list is because I like coal and I would like my stocking to be full of coal.  The coal is good for the fire in winter when its cold.

The second reason why I should be on the naughty list is because I eat all the baking mum makes when she's not looking.  Like cake biscuits slice etc.

The third reason is because I never clean my bedroom when I’m told to and I just make more of a mess. I blame the dog for the mess and say she was trying to eat the stuff.

The fourth reason is because I never do the dishes and Dad ends up doing them. I always say that I’m too tired and end up watching the TV.

The fifth reason why I should be on the  Naughty list is because I don't clean the bench after using it. I just say the bench was dirty but for some reason nobody believes me.

please Santa put me on the naughty list i would love some coal.

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